
弗吉尼亚农业信贷 branch offices will serve as collection sites for supplies to support families impacted by Hurricane Helene.





What if you could get a Farm Credit loan or lease at the dealer for your farm equipment— without ever setting foot in a Farm Credit office? 你可以用农业信贷快车! 更好的是, 你可以在近1的任何地方买到装备,000 农业信贷快报 participating dealer locations in the Southeast and get a Farm Credit loan or lease that books back to your local Farm Credit office. The simple application is completed at the dealership and usually approved in 20 minutes or less. 农场信贷快车是一个快速, easy alternative to dealer-provided financing without the hassle of making a separate trip to the lender’s office. 更好的是, it also gives you a tool that may help you get a better deal on your equipment purchase — with a little knowledge and asking the right questions.

所以你已经为你的农场挑选了一件完美的设备. 你可以想象它在你的田地里是什么样子, 它如何让你的农场更有效率,让你的生活更轻松. 事实上,只剩下一个问题:你打算怎么付钱给经销商? 通过经销商计划融资(通常利率为0%)? 从农业信贷处获得贷款或租赁? 或者用现金支付? Let’s look at the options and what you should consider to make the best decision for you.


听起来很简单. You may even get a better price or free upgrades added since the dealer/manufacturer won’t be financing the equipment. You avoid having to make that “dreaded payment” for years and you don’t have any interest expense. While it sounds good on the front end, make sure you think in terms of your whole financial picture. 你们有足够的现金储备和流动资金吗? 如果没有,用现金购买设备很少是你最好的选择. 更糟的是, 除非你的循环信用额度被支付到0美元, you’re ultimately financing equipment on the revolving line and that’s never a good long-term situation. 你还欠其他贷款吗? 如果是这样的话, you may be able to get the equipment loan at a lower rate and use cash to pay down or pay off higher rate loans. Again, think in terms of your total financial picture before you pay cash for your equipment.


Equipment companies learned a long time ago that they sell more equipment by making it easy and/or offering low interest rate financing. 零利率贷款怎么样? 这类贷款已成为设备和汽车金融领域的常态. 真的是0%吗?? 好吧, 合同中规定的利率是0%, 但是,正如那句老话所说,天下没有免费的午餐. 简单地说,经销商和制造商必须赚钱. 他们不能把钱借给你三个月, 五年甚至七年都一无所获. 事实上, lots of them have loans they’re paying interest on too so they have to at least recover that cost. 他们还必须承担一些贷款违约的风险,这样他们就会赔钱. Be sure to ask what the price is if you don’t finance it through the dealer/manufacturer. 除非价格是一样的, you’re ultimately paying a finance charge equal to the difference between those two prices. One other thing to keep in mind: Paying off a 0% loan early doesn’t save any of the finance charge like it does with a simple interest loan. 事实上, the effective rate caused by the “hidden” finance charge can end up quite high if the loan is paid off early. Dealer provided financing is a great option to consider and can be the least costly way to acquire equipment. 一定要问正确的问题, 知道你得到了什么,在决定之前考虑所有的选择.


询问你的设备经销商,如果他们提供农场信贷快车. The program is just as simple as dealer financing but gives you a way to get the same discounts or free upgrades as if you paid cash (since it’s not financed through the dealer/manufacturer). The program offers fixed rate loans with monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments. 农业信贷快报 loans earn patronage refunds that can significantly reduce your effective interest rate and interest cost. New equipment and used equipment less than 10 years old qualifies for 0% down payment and up to a seven-year term. Used equipment less than 25 years old can be financed for up to seven years with a 10% down payment. Used equipment more than 25 years old can be financed for up to three years with a 15% down payment. 农场信贷快车还提供租赁作为另一种工具,以满足您的设备需求. 如果适合您,请务必考虑租赁(请参阅下一节)。.


你有没有想过租用设备而不是拥有它? 从历史上看, most people used leasing as a tool to manage income taxes once they maxed out the IRS Section 179 deduction. 还有其他原因,租赁可以是一个很好的工具,以满足您的设备需求. There are lots of different lease structures but we’ll focus on the Fixed Purchase Option which allows you to purchase the machine at a pre-determined cost or turn it back over to the lease company when the lease matures. 简单地说,租赁将所有权风险转移给了其他人. 这对于你的地区来说是独特的或非典型的设备是有好处的. It’s also a good tool to consider for equipment where the latest and greatest technology changes quickly. 如果你想一直保持相对较新的设备,租赁也是一个不错的选择. 租赁 usually gives you a lower monthly payment compared to financing the full cost of the equipment. 从本质上说, leasing is generally more expensive than owning because you’re paying a premium for someone to take the ownership risk for you and essentially provide a down payment. 出于同样的原因,租赁比直接购买设备要复杂得多. Make sure you understand all of the terms of the lease – especially any hour/mileage limitations and excess wear penalties. It’s always a good idea to talk with your accountant about leasing and make sure the lease is properly structured to work with your income tax situation.

哇,这一切似乎需要考虑很多,但实际上并不是. 事情很简单:

  1. 问正确的问题.
  2. 考虑所有的选择,并比较购买设备的总成本.
  3. 选择最适合你的选项. 记住,购买设备的最便宜的总成本通常是最好的,但前提是:
    1. Paying cash doesn’t leave you owing a balance on your revolving line of credit and you still have adequate cash reserves and liquidity.
    2. The cheap interest rate and lower interest cost that comes with shorter loan terms is manageable without creating a cash flow crunch during the life of the loan.

不管你是全职还是兼职, 农场1,000英亩或半打, 不管你是养了一大群牛还是养了一小群牲畜, 种植草皮或经营苗圃或温室, 在某些时候你需要购买设备. 您可能有资格获得农业信贷和农业信贷快车. The program is available for almost any type of mobile farm equipment — things like tractors (big or small), 联合收割机和自走式牧草收割机的拖车和农具. 考虑到你刚刚读到的东西,这似乎是一个很好的选择. 访问www网站. farmcreditexpress.Com获取更多信息,包括所有参与经销商的名单.
